Four Leaf Brewing's 5th Annual
Capture the Tap
Homebrew Competition!

Multi-Brewery Competition
Best in show wins the opportunity to brew and put on tap at Four Leaf Brewing.
Entries Due May 12, 2023
Competition Judging May 20, 2023
See complete information in the Rules PDF attached.

Four Leaf Brewing Homebrew Contest Rules 2023
All 2021 BJCP Categories
Please download and refer to the PDFs linked on this page for the full and complete official rules.
The competition is open to any homebrewer from within the state of Michigan or the province of Ontario. Contestants will be considered as an individual entrants on the basis of the person’s name appearing on the registration form. Team beers are acceptable, but the entrant must have been an active participant in the brewing process. Only one entry per category is allowed by each entrant. Beers brewed in commercially licensed facilities are ineligible. The Best of Show winner should be available to participate in the recipe-winning brew day at Four Leaf Brewing. The exact date is TBD depending on the winning style. All 2021 BJCP Categories will be accepted for judging. (Wood aged and Sour Beers may not be eligible for BOS)
Entry Fees:
The entry fee is $5.00 for each entry. Cash only accepted and all entry fees must be submitted with registration form at the time of drop off. Entries received without fee will not be judged and no late payments will be accepted.
Registration/Entry Drop Off:
Entries must be received with a registration form and entry at one of the listed drop-off locations by May 12, 2023 end of the business day. Any mailed entries should be sent to the Four Leaf Location and must be received by the same date. Actual Entrant need not be present to drop off.
Drop off Locations:
Four Leaf Brewing, 412 N. McEwan St., Clare, MI 48617 (989) 424-6114
Michigan Brew Supply, 126 Townsend St., Midland, MI 48640 (989) 486-9265
Hop Craft Supply Co, 6440 Bay Rd., Saginaw, MI 48604 (989) 401-6276
Reed City Brewing, 141 W Upton Ave., Reed City, MI 49677 (231) 465-4222
Hunter's Ale House, 4855 E Blue Grass Rd., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 (989)779-2626
Entry Requirements:
Two bottles of each entry must be submitted. (We recommend submitting 3, One for initial judging, one for possible mini BOS, and one for the final round)
Only one entry per category per entrant.
The beer must be homebrewed to enter. No beer brewed at a commercial facility is accepted.
All entrants MUST be 21 years of age to enter.
Bottle Restrictions:
Entries must be received in 12-16oz brown, long-neck glass bottles, free from any raised or embossed markings or other identifying features. Bottles must also be clean of any labels (inked, paper, or otherwise). Standard gold or silver caps are encouraged. Soft drinks or other printed crown caps are acceptable; however, they must be blacked out with a black marker to ensure anonymity in all judging situations.
Late Entries and Disqualifications:
No Entries will be returned whether received late or otherwise. All entries become the property of Four Leaf Brewing. No late entries will be accepted. Beers can be disqualified for bottle requirement infractions. These entries will still be judged but may be deemed ineligible for awards or prizes. You will be notified if your entry has been disqualified.
Entry Form and Labels:
All entries must include a completed registration form at the time of drop-off. The registration form must be legible and attached to the bottles with a rubber band. The use of tape or glue to attach the forms is not acceptable.
Please see PDF for any updates or changes to these rules.
The information located on the webpage is not considered the full and complete official rules.